Sunday, December 21, 2008

1st at "Band On The Run". i cant believe such a simple song took me 3 days of trying. mostly due to technical difficulties, my cymbal pads had some trouble sensing hits, had to turn up the sensitivity.

2nd already. got pushed down

Saturday, December 20, 2008

1st at "The Joker"

Sunday, December 14, 2008

YES! finally first at "Sweet Home Alabama"!
Blahdy hell...

after 3 days i am 2nd on "Sweet Home Alabama". gawd.. so close!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

After one day of trying, i got 1st at "Escuela De Calor" today!
interesting drum parts. nice and groovy and wicked fills that are deceptively difficult.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Some pictures of my Setup for GH:WT


got 1st in "Eye of the Tiger" and "On The Road Again".

haha.. needed to concentrate like crazy. next up is "Sweet Home Alabama"

Sunday, December 7, 2008


just got 3rd in "Beat It" by Michael Jackson. i think i might try "Eye of the Tiger" next. this is addictive.

new blog!


this blog is to keep track of my history in the new PS3 Game Guitar Hero:World Tour.
i am trying my best to set as high a score as possible in GH:WT playing drums.

i will post pics of my set-up etc when i have the time. so far i am no.2 in "On the Road Again" by willie nelson and 5th in Michael Jackson's "Beat It". I am playing on the US PS3 server board with the user name StickmanUS.

hope i have more time to set more records soon!